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  • Agreements
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  • Wills
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Leave and License

A legal document that enables a landlord to allow a tenant to use their property for a specific period without any change in its ownership

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Flat Purchase Agreement

A legal contract between between a buyer and seller of property that dictate the terms and conditions of the sale.

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Mortgage Agreement

A legally binding contract outlining the terms and conditions of a mortgage loan between a lender and borrowers in a specific place.

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a legal document conferring ownership of personal property and assets to the heirs of the testator (the one who makes the will) upon his or her demise.

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Gift Deed

A gift deed allows a property owner to voluntarily give his/her property to anyone and avoids any future dispute arising out of succession or inheritance claims

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Partition Deed

a legal document used to divide a piece of property co-owned by two or more people.

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Release Deed

a legal document that removes a previous claim on an asset.

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Partnership Agreement

a legally binding document that outlines business operations, ownership stakes, financials and decision-making details.

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Power of Attorney

a legal status granted to somebody that allows them to act on your behalf.

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Sale Agreement

a document that is to be considered the actual transfer of property ownership between two or more parties.

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Codicil to Will

An addendum of any kind to a will. Codicils can alter, change, add to or subtract from the provisions in the will.

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Deed of Assignment

A deed of assignment refers to a legal document that records the transfer of ownership of a real estate property from one party to another.

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Deed of Exchange

An exchange deed claims to transfer rights in immovable property.